The Kaaba is the most sacred place in Islam all know that. For Muslims, it is not only a building but also a special symbol of faith and connection to Allah. Unlike other places, it is a building, but also a holy part of the religion and represents strong affiliation with Allah. When one undertakes the Hajj or Umrah pilgrimage, there seems to be a common wish in all of them to touch the blessed Kaaba at this revered site to feel the serenity of being close to the Almighty. But a question comes does one have the ability to touch the Kaaba when they are in a state of Ihram? The answer is yes, but this article will provide some guidance on which parts of the Kaaba are permissible to touch, relying on Islamic teachings, Sunnah and scholars. So that we may avoid those actions which are considered innovations and impermissible in Islam.

 The Islamic Ruling on Touching the Kaaba During Ihram

 What Sunnah Teaches Us

In the Sunnah, we learn that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) only touched two specific parts of the Kaaba during Tawaf: the Black Stone (Hajr al-Aswad) and the Yemeni Corner (Rukn al-Yamani). Apart from this, it is not clear anywhere in the blessed Sunnah that the Prophet (PBUH) touched any part other than these two. Indeed, in the Messenger of Allah you have an excellent example for whoever has hope in Allah and the Last Day, and remembers Allah often (Quran 33:21). This means Muslims should follow exactly what he did during these rituals.

There is also a story about Mu'awiyah, who once touched other corners of the Kaaba. Ibn ‘Abbas (RA) explained to him that the Prophet (PBUH) only touched the Black Stone and the Yemeni Corner. Mu'awiyah agreed and stopped touching the other parts. This shows it is not correct in Islam to touch areas of the Kaaba that the Prophet (PBUH) did not touch.

Rules for Pilgrims in Ihram Touching the Kaaba

Impact of Perfumed Surfaces

When the pilgrim is in Ihram, these individuals cannot use or smell perfume. The Yemeni Corner and the walls of Kaaba are always kept scented otherwise. There can be a penalty such as ‘kaffara' for touching such regions with the complete palm, like sacrificing can a sheep in the Haram. If a part of the palm touches the area, there is a smaller sadaqa.

The Prophet (PBUH) always told people to be careful and avoid doing things that can break the rules of Ihram. This is also mentioned in the Quran, where Allah says: And do not shave your heads until the sacrificial animal reaches its destination (Quran 2:196). This means pilgrims must follow all Ihram rules, like not using perfume or doing anything that goes against Ihram.

Unintentional Acts If

Unintentional Acts If a pilgrim comes across some scented spot unintentionally, there is no penalty to be seen when there was no intent, thus no punishment pending. That person is excused.” The issue however arises with premeditated deeds, like trying to touch areas where perfume has been spread. During this ritual, you need to be careful and alert so that you do not make any such mistakes.

Are You Able To Touch The Kaaba For Blessings?

It has become common for pilgrims to presume that by touching the Kaaba, one will be able to receive blessings, absolution, or have their prayers answered. While it demonstrates strong faith, this action needs to be treated within proper Islamic context. The Prophet (PBUH) used to advise against ‘bid'ah' in practice, thus saying, The truest of word is the Book of Allah and best of guidance is the guidance of Muhammad. The worst of things are those that are newly invented; every newly-invented thing is an innovation and every innovation is going astray, and every going astray is in the Fire ( Sunan an-Nasa'i 1578).

Islamic scholars say it is more important to focus on Tawaf and the rituals Allah has told us to perform than touching the Kaaba. Pilgrims should follow the example of the Prophet (PBUH), who showed us that spiritual connection and devotion are more important than touching the Kaaba.

Other Usages of Sunnah

The crowds during Tawaf are often large, so instead of trying to touch the Kaaba, it is enough to point towards the Black Stone and say Allahu Akbar. This act is a sign of respect and submission for all participants while maintaining the flow of Tawaf and This enables everyone to maintain the good speed of Tawaf.

Symbolism and Spiritual Connection

Touching vs. Spiritual Devotion

The touching of the Kaaba is not an essential component in being able to worship. Rather, it is said to be detached from the mundane practice of worship. The Prophet (PBUH) gave a lot of weight to the action and intent: “Actions are but by intentions, and every man shall have only that which he intended” (Sahih Bukhari, 1). This highlights that the spiritual connection to Allah is paramount.

Just as it is stated in the Holy Quran that neither meat nor blood reaches Allah, what reaches Him is their piety, similarly, touching the Kaaba is secondary to the pilgrim's sincerity and devotion to God.


In the end, touching the Kaaba is allowed in some cases, but it is not Sunnah except for the Black Stone and the Yemeni Corner. Pilgrims in Ihram should stay away from places with perfume and focus on completing Tawaf with a pure heart and full attention. By following the teachings of the Prophet (PBUH) and the advice of Islamic scholars, pilgrims can make sure their worship is correct and complete with blessings.


  1. Can I touch the Kaaba if it is crowded?

You better not push or force your way if there are too many people. Instead, stand from where you are, point to the Black Stone, and say, "Allahu Akbar." This is enough and sound in the eyes of Allah.

  1. What if I accidentally touch perfume while in Ihram?

If you accidentally touch perfume, there is no problem, and you don't need to do anything. But if you feel it on purpose, you must give charity or sacrifice as a way of atonement.

  1. Why did the Prophet (PBUH) touch only certain parts of the Kaaba?

The Prophet (PBUH) touched the Black Stone and the Yemeni Corner because these places have special importance in Islam. Following what the Prophet did, we stay on the correct Sunnah and avoid adding anything new to worship.

Moreover, If you are wishing to visit the Kaaba without any hassle, purchasing your Umrah travel from any reliable Umrah travel agency is essential.